Help and Advice

Undertaking a building project can be tough before you have even settled on the best timber for the job.
To help, we have put together our guide on How to Choose the Right Type of Timber for a Building Project to provide you with a clear idea of what factors you need to consider before making a decision.
When it comes to hardwood vs softwood, what differentiates the two is actually the type of tree from which the timber originates. Hardwood typically comes from deciduous trees, whereas softwood originates from conifers. Deciduous trees are also slower growing than conifers which means that their wood is often denser.
A crucial question to ask when choosing timber is where it will be used – inside or outside.
Our treated softwood timber is the best option to use outside, due to its hardwearing nature. However, if the timber is for an indoor project, there is really no difference other than a stylistic choice.
Picking a timber strong enough for your project is essential, as without the appropriate strength, there is a real possibility of your structure collapsing. You will also need to consider the durability of the timber, as while certain woods are hard, they are also susceptible to cracking, which can lead to weakening.
Today, environmental concerns play a part in many of our purchasing decisions, and buying timber is no different. We support organisations that implement sustainable forest management techniques, ensuring that for every tree cut down, another is planted in its place.
Sustainable timber is often no different in price to its non-sustainable equivalent either, meaning you won’t be paying over the odds to make a more environmentally-conscious choice.
As with all projects, the overall budget is often a deciding factor. When comparing timber options, it is best to consider wood types that remain within budget yet can still do the job required. We are happy to provide quotations for you. Just tell us what you need and we’ll do the rest!
And remember, it is not just the timber you need to be budgeting for, but also any relevant tools required to cut and shape the wood for your project. We stock many of the ancillary items required for your project.
We hope our timber guide has provided you with an idea of how to choose the right type of timber for a building project. However, for any further information, get in touch with P.J. Supplies, your local timber supplies specialists, who are on hand to discuss any project needs with you.